1 - 28 of 32 Listings
Titan Machinery - Kearney, Nebraska
Location:714 3RD AV
Kearney, NE, USA 68847
Phone: (855) 289-2273
Contact: Ag Sales
Company Details
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Hours: 3,878
Separator Hours: 3,147
Drive: 2WD
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Serial Number: YEH630750
Condition: Used
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 764
Separator Hours: 530
Drive: 2WD
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 753
Separator Hours: 543
Drive: 2WD
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 1,133
Serial Number: YNG249220
Condition: Used
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 0.7
Rear Remote Hydraulics: 1
Transmission Type: Hydro
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 1.7
Rear Remote Hydraulics: 2
Transmission Type: Power Shuttle
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Serial Number: KOK1252
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 2.2
Rear Remote Hydraulics: 5
Transmission Type: Powershift
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Cutting Width: 9.14 m
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Cutting Width: 9.14 m
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Number of Rows: 8
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 0.9
Rear Remote Hydraulics: 2
Transmission Type: Hydro
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 1,124.8
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 4.6
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 7.8
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 3
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 3.3
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 3,053.44
Separator Hours: 2,397.05
Drive: 2WD
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 2,097.4
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 3.9
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 4.8
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 4.7
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 2,972
Rear Remote Hydraulics: 2
Transmission Type: Hydro
Location: Kearney, Nebraska, USA